People who shape INDIEART ...

Without a strong TEAM you can only be so good, it only becomes masterful when everything comes together. 

EVERYONE has said YES and supports, inspires, and shares their know-how! 

What happens when you assemble people with the same passion and sincerity?

Let's start the experiment!

Vera / Founder

I screamed HELP and she gave INDIEART her face. Who wants to know more about Sabrina?Art is always in the eye ... in the ear of the viewer. Use them! It should help us to linger, to reflect, to enjoy and to be inspired ... isn’t that what we sometimes lack today? I see this as a healthy counterpoint to industrial, technological, and ever-increasing development.

In all areas, we see society drifting further apart. Where do we find equal opportunities or equality? How do we achieve this? This is where I start my experiment INDIEART!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 

Markus / IT

What is the most important aspect when starting a business online? IT! It has to run 24/7
I have no experience and knowledge when it comes to IT. This makes me all the happier to be able to have won Markus for this project.

Sabrina / Art-Director

I screamed HELP and she gave INDIEART her face.
Who wants to know more about Sabrina?

👉 Thehos - Freelance-Designer aus Mainz

Leoni / Translator

In order for things to run smoothly, communication is crucial. With the help of my translator Leoni, language won’t be a barrier when YOUR art is spread internationally.