Procedure Online shop

1. We put YOUR work online.

2. If a customer buys one of YOUR works, we receive the information and pass it on directly to YOU.

3. The customer pays to INDIEART. You will immediately receive information of the receipt of payment. After shipping confirmation, we will transfer your money to you immediately!

4. YOU pack YOUR work so that it safely survives the shipping route and choose the type of shipping and appropriate shipping insurance. In order to reach satisfied customers, please plan this process so that there is as little delay as possible.

5. Should YOU want to read something or are not sure about anything anymore, YOU can read everything at any time in YOUR personal cloud access. All contract and information documents are stored there, accessible only to YOU, that goes without saying.

6. The last step would be to select a new work for the shop, go to step 1. :D 

 Any more questions?  👉