Art is ...
as individual as YOU & I!

What is art? Creativity? What are freedom and tolerance? 
What connects us? What makes us special? 
It’s culture, music and art! 
The world is incredibly colorful on all levels. As people we are colorful. Art shows itself in a fabulously multifaceted way, in many different faces.

We are different

The current art market forms its price formation through the interaction between supply and demand. It mainly serves trends. It is the art trends that are currently up to date that are the ones being pushed.

We are committed to independent art that is free from speculation. Individual appreciation is enormously important to us! 

We focus our attention on people who dedicate their lives to art, people that are deeply passionate about art.

Are we aware of that?

Let’s be honest, where do we buy or order? What value does consumption have for us and how sustainably do we deal with it? It is high time to take responsibility for our consumption.

Our own values are shaped by culture, experiences, preferences, and much more. We will stand up for our values, work for them and promote them. Tolerance and respect must grow at all levels.

Our contribution is INDIEART. Let’s ignite the fire and start our collaboration together.