We build the stage where YOU can run wild! Are you ready to rumble? 

INDIEART is independent of the general taste of the time and will follow its own paths. INDIEART will help YOU break free from mainstream and market constraints.

 If YOU answer YES to the following…

/ It is your burning desire to be creative?

/ YOU need space for experimentation?

…then let’s walk this path together, uncompromisingly. We want to take YOU along on our journey.

Our expectations

/ YOUR art should be discovered spontaneously

/ Bringing together people with the same passion

/ We get into conversation with YOU to create YOUR concept that corresponds to YOU

/ We will also find space for YOUR art outside of the digital world!

/ What is YOUR heart beating for? - YOU shall grow with us and find YOUR way!

It is about self-determined artistic freedom & self-realization. We offer a supra-regional platform for this purpose. The lean corporate concept minimizes risk, which leaves room for experimentation.