Our purpose

We promise our buyers a collection of extraordinary, contemporary art at a fair price. Each purchase gives the work its individual value and meaning.

We stand for fair and transparent transaction. In this way, we offer our artists and creatives the opportunity to present themselves on the market and to use new sales channels at the same time. Our goal is to mobilize and live dreams.

The NAME speaks for itself!

INDIEART is the focal point for individual art. Our aim is to seduce buyers and lovers of tomorrow to choose the art, to find it individually pleasing and promoting diversity. 

Our Baseline

/ Fair & Transparent towards customers (individual, partnership agreements)

/ Hand-in-hand in direct exchange with the artists

/ Independent & uncompromising financially self-supporting and self-determined

/ Sustainable due to lack of storage costs and direct shipping

/ Promotion of artists and creatives through targeted offers for university students and apprentices

/ Appreciation through the individualization of art with handmade individual pieces and sensitization of purchasers to perceive art in a differentiated way